A great run after other shitty workouts

Uncategorized Apr 18, 2024

The first half of this week was not great.

On Monday, I slept through my alarm for the first time in YEARS and missed my running class. When I woke up, I only had enough time to go for a 20 min walk outside.

On Tuesday, I just wasn't feeling it and walked the entire time at class.

On Wednesday, I woke up with my back hurting and walked the entire class.

And on Thursday, I was ready to run! I knocked out 3.5 miles in class today and felt unstoppable.


It's a good reminder that not every workout is going to be great. There are so many variables at play that impact our workout:


-eating enough

-what you did the day before

-your mood

-your energy

etc, etc, etc.



Happy to have had a good run today. It reminds me how good I can feel.


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