Getting back on track - setting your week up for success

getting back on track Oct 29, 2023

Over the last few days, I've been writing about how my week was rough because of poor sleep ruining my mornings, falling off track, and then recommitting to taking a small action to get back on track. 


As I look back on the last week, I know another reason things fell apart was because my daily workbook was no longer making sense with what I was doing at the gym.


I live in an area with a lot of college students, and in September and October, my gym routine got jumbled because they are all back in town and all go to the gym at the same time as me.


I tried to adjust what I do at the gym, but I was finding myself getting frustrated because I was not able to work on my Plan A (use the barbell to do 5x5 Strong Lifts) and ALSO not being able to execute Plan B (use dumbells to just work my muscles.) 



So I was tired of feeling frustrated with the gym and frustrated about not being able to get in a desperately needed good, hard workout.


So I decided to buy some dumbbells and workout at home.

But I never wrote a plan on paper.

I just was like "ok maybe I'll do something" and when my sleep wasn't great, I also did not take action with the dumbbells at home.


So now I have a plan. I'm setting my week up for success.



You can steal my plan by clicking here. You can make a copy and edit for your own November so you can get back on track and set yourself up for success.


How does it work?

I color in green if I did it and red if I didn't. 

I also track how many steps and Move calories I burn. (I have an Apple watch.)

My minimum is 8000 steps and 800 calories.


I also made a version for my new client. You can grab a copy of that one here. It has fewer actions which might actually be what you need.



If you want to get back on track, you need a plan on paper. It'll help you set your week up for success. Then you need to actually look at your plan every day and mark off that you are taking action.


Email me if you have a question or want to chat about working together: [email protected]


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