Running saved me

I was chatting with Paul yesterday about how I am kinda bored at my job and wish I had something exciting. I think this is still related to the lack of travel/I don't want to put my dog down conversation.


We left Chicago a year ago, and I am so much happier here in California, but I still wish we were traveling a bit more.


That's ok. That time will come. 


We were chatting about how important it is to have hobbies, and I am so grateful I found running classes again. 


It's not ideal. It's kinda far from our apartment and gas prices are astronomical, but one time a week, I get to run on a cushy treadmill and feel most alive. 


I think sometimes I can slink into these depressive holes as I think about my life, but being able to wake up and run this morning saved me. I have this to look forward to every week now. I get to feel alive AF during the run and after the run at least one time a week.


I wouldn't feel this way if I didn't have running, and I am just so grateful.


Running, for me at least, isn't actually about running. It's about my mental health. I run for my mental healt. Running keeps me alive. Running gets me away from troubling thoughts. Running makes me feel alive. Running helps me feel joy in life.


I still don't get to run as much or as fast as I want to. I have to stop and stretch or massage or rest a few times during class because of this chronic knee, hip, and now foot pain, but I still get to feel great for the most part.


I am so grateful for running. 


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