Showering and putting on real clothes every day

I was chatting with a friend about the longer effects of the pandemic that haven't gone away yet. She was saying how she was still having trouble doing the basic human tasks, and I get it! 

When I first started working from home in 2018, I really struggled to take care of myself. I would convince myself it was ok to not shower or I could shower but didn't have to wash my hair. Both left me feeling gross and not great about myself.


I would convince myself it was okay to not leave the house days at a time. I felt depressed.


And object in motion stays in motion, and an object at rest stays at rest. I struggled to go from rest to motion, and the rest was not a restful rest. It was a "why can't I get myself to do anything" absence of motion rather than rest.


So now I have actions I take every day:

1. I workout in the morning

2. I shower AND wash my hair.

3. I put on real clothes. Sometimes my real clothes consists of workout pants and a tank top but the point is I put on clean clothes that are not pajamas. I didn't sleep in these last night.


Doing these things helps me feel like myself. Doing these things keeps me in motion. Doing these things keeps me out of depression.


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