61: When You're Not Following Through

consistency habits Apr 12, 2021
Systems for Self-Care
61: When You're Not Following Through

OK, so you know what you're supposed to be doing, but you're not consistently following through on the actions... 


You've spent a lot of time concocting plans! You have journals and printouts galore!

You have a fancy app for your workouts and you pay a monthly membership fee for it.

You know all there is to know about nutrition! You have cookbooks and meal logs and colorful containers and tracking apps and a food scale! Your fridge is stocked with organic veggies.


You're ready! You want to be doing the thing... You wish you were that person who did the thing and loved doing the thing...

But you're still not consistently following through with the actions.



And you're frustrated with yourself! Time keeps ticking, and you feel like you keep spinning in circles, but you're not moving the direction you want to go.



Wouldn't you like to learn how to move yourself forward?

Wouldn't you like to learn how to get yourself to follow through?

Today I am going to a few tips on getting yourself to follow through IN THE MOMENT.


Because here's the thing: you can continue to make complicated and fancy plans,

but in the moment, you have to do the thing to get yourself to move forward. 



For today, I am going to assume you've spent the time deciding on your pain, pleasure, current identity, and aspirational identity. If you haven't, I highly suggest you go back and take time to do that.


Tip 1: Create a no-nonsense system to help you do the things the same way.

This helps your brain actually create a new neuropathway. This helps you actually create a new habit.


I keep things pretty much the same so I know what I am supposed to be doing.

With 0 structure, good luck. You will be bogged down by decision making in the moment.


"Should I go for a run before work or should I watch TV? What do I feel like doing?"

No, you don't watch TV before work. You always run or walk before work. You don't even make a decision about it. Morning movement is a system for self-care that you created. You just ALWAYS wake up and go move your body.


"Should I have a 5P salad for lunch or should I eat the sandwich and fries? Hmmm.... What do I feel like eating?"

No in the moment decision making needed! You just always eat the 5P salad for lunch! It doesn't matter if you feel like eating sandwich and fries. You know that makes you feel tired later and frustrated with yourself later... so you just always have a 5P salad for lunch.


One of my clients mentioned that this question was so helpful for her: "Would this be okay for my 8 year old daughter?"

She doesn't let her daughter watch TV before school, so it's not really okay for her either. She doesn't let her daughter have donuts and pizza for lunch, so it's not really okay for her either.




Tip 2: BEWARE OF THE "I just don't feel like it's"

Truthfully, I don't feel like doing anything ever. I wish I were different, but I don't know if this part of me will ever change. So I just kinda have to make do with what I got!


I didn't feel like writing this blog today. But here I am!

I didn't feel like lifting weights today. But I did! And my quads feel strong!

I didn't feel like drinking water this morning. But I've already had 50oz!

I haven't showered yet, and I gotta tell you, I won't feel like it, but it will still get done.


If I listened to all my "I just don't feel like it's" and followed through on those actions, I'd be in bed, super smelly, and depressed my whole life.

I have to thank the "I just don't feel like it's" and then go do the thing anyways.



If you want to make sure you follow through on things, listen to yourself and notice when you say, "I just don't feel like it." And then thank the voice, and go do the thing anyways.



Tip 3: Use a timer. But don't use your phone.

Anytime I need to get myself to follow through on something, I use a timer. (This is a habit too!)

This morning when I was lifting weights, I set a timer for 15 minutes!

Right before I started this blog, I set a timer for 60 minutes! It's taken me 25 minutes so far to get to here!


In a bit, I am going to record this blog as a video and a podcast. I will set a timer to get it done in 30 minutes!


Caveat- don't use your phone for the timer. It's so easy to move your thumb over and click on an app and not get the thing done. I highly recommend using a timer on your computer or on your watch or even an old fashion kitchen timer. 


(I think I will write a blog soon on breaking your phone addiction!)



Tip 4: Acknowledge your wins to keep the momentum going.

I spend a lot of time noticing all the things I messed up and all the things wrong with me that I need to fix which just gets me in a funk.

On episode 110 of the podcast with Karly Borden of The Public Run Club, I learned that it sure is helpful to give my wins equal weight. Maybe I won't be super positive all the time, but can I at least be equally positive as I am negative?!

Some ways that I acknowledge my wins are by taking anecdotal notes throughout the day, by crossing off tasks on my to-do list, by using The 365 Habit Tracker, and by journaling each day to look how far I've come.

How does this get me to follow through? I want to feel those positive vibes some more. It feels good to feel good. Wanting to feel good gets me to do actions that help me feel good.


Tip 5: Hire a coach!

I actually just hired a new coach last month. This is my 5th coach that I've worked with. When I feel stuck, I look for the mentor I need who can help guide me to get to where I want to be and who I want to be.

If you're stuck, you can hire me as your coach. Book a call here.


OK, so you know what you're supposed to be doing, but you're not consistently following through on the actions... 


Tip 1: Create a no-nonsense system to help you do the things the same way.


Tip 2: BEWARE OF THE "I just don't feel like it's"


Tip 3: Use a timer. But don't use your phone.


Tip 4: Acknowledge your wins to keep the momentum going.


Tip 5: Hire a coach! Book a call with me here.


Was this blog helpful? You can support the blog by buying me a cup of coffee . 






And with time to spare! Not bad! I used to sit at my computer for hours and hours and not get ANYTHING done!




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