Ep 133: How I am taking care of my body now so that one day I can run again...

Season #3 Episode #133

Things hadn't gotten better so I started exploring some other options... some 1% shifts... and surprise! 5 days later, I AM FEELING BETTER. Hoping to continue this progress!

p.s. Trying something new in August! I need 10 people to try it out with me. Feeling like crap while at home during the pandemic? I'll help you figure out the 3 things you can implement to help yourself feel good. 

1. Book your call here: https://coachjaclynricchio.as.me/30coachingtrial

2. Make $30 payment here: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/imperfecteating

3. Check your email for a Zoom link within 24 hours! Chat soon!


50% Complete

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