Ep 126: How to stop eating ALLL the cookies and just eat some

Season #3 Episode #126

You’ve been working hard to do this Imperfect Eating thing.

This whole "I'm going to have some without having all" thing.

And it felt novel and exciting at first. Freeing. Having some/not all. Wow so great.

But then you noticed having some kept turning into having all.

And maybe you're thinking this moderation thing, this Imperfect Eating thing isn't for you after all.

Maybe you DO need a diet..

Before you rush to a diet, let's discuss 5 reasons you ate all/not some and see what actual solutions you need in place.




Certified Health + Life Coach


So many women miss out on life because they think a complicated diet will fix them, but it actually results in bingeing and more self-loathing. At Imperfect Eating + Life Coaching, I help you SIMPLIFY healthy living so you can actually enjoy life and feel confident you can eat some pizza without eating all the pizza.


Book a call here: www.imperfecteating.com

Read the blog here: https://www.imperfecteating.com/blog/5-reasons-you-ate-all-the-cookies-instead-of-just-eating-some

YouTube: https://youtu.be/nZ9zf9HSF7M



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