Ep 123: How I am completely letting go of running for right now

Season #3 Episode #123

The next round of The Morning Crew gets started on July 6th. Schedule a call here right now to see if it is a good fit for you. I created this program because I’ve found that so many women miss out on life because they think a complicated diet will fix them, but it actually results in bingeing and more self-loathing. In The Morning Crew, I help you simplify healthy living so you can actually enjoy life and feel confident you can eat some pizza w/o eating all the pizza. Schedule a call here.



Today's episode:

"Are you actually listening to what you need and being kind?

Or are you giving in so you don't have to do the work?"


It's a game I've been struggling with for the last 25 years...

Everytime I run, it hurts, and I have to be in this body for the rest of my life, so what if I just practiced trusting myself and stopped running for a bit?!

"Jaclyn, not running is the best thing you can do for yourself."



Work 1:1 with Jaclyn- Book a strategy call: https://coachjaclynricchio.as.me/

Register for The FREE Saturday Morning Crew: https://www.imperfecteating.com/thesaturdaymorningcrew

Register for Wednesday's Ask Jaclyn Anything: https://www.imperfecteating.com/askjaclyn



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