Ep 93: How to stop hating fitness and find something you LOVE with Rowing Coach Sarah Fuhrmann

Season #2 Episode #93

Do you still dread your workouts?

Are you only using running as a way to make your body smaller?

So... yeah, it would make sense why you hate workouts... It's punishment...


Sarah and I chat about

-how to actually LOVE fitness

-the mistakes she made in her 20s and what she's doing now instead (I listen up when people give advice on how to enjoy life!!)

-how the internet theoretically connects us but it can feel REALLY FREAKING LONELY

-how to find a community IN PERSON with fitness

-how to use ROWING as cross-training for your running training plan

-overcoming self doubt with the sentence, "I think I can figure this out."

-why it's important to move your body at any age!


Sarah is the head rower at @ucanrow2 and she helps women make later life their best life. 


Connect with Sarah:






Rowing for Runners Starter Guide





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