Ep 47: Body Awareness With Corrin Pierce

Season #1 Episode #47

I chatted with Personal Trainer, Pilates Teacher, and Mindset Wizard Corrin Pierce.


I love talking about fitness as a way to get stronger and add value to our lives instead of always taking away from our bodies or our schedules.


Corrin shared how:

-"no pain; no gain" is crap and movement can be pain-free

-strength training is NEEDED as our bodies get older

-you'll be thankful you can squat when you're 70 years old and need to get off a toilet by yourself!

-those of us with runner's knee need more strength and less stretching!


Connect with Corrin: 



IG: https://www.instagram.com/corrinpiercefitness/

Website: http://www.nerdstronggym.com/unpack-the-back





Connect With Jaclyn:

IG: https://www.instagram.com/jaclynricchio/

Apply for 1 on 1 Coaching with Jaclyn: http://www.imperfecteating.com







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