EP 39: Not Just Reps and Sets
A lot of us start working out for the aesthetics. Maybe we saw a fitspo account on social media, the comparisonitis began... and we just wanted to fit into clothes better, have confidence in the mirror, wear a bathing suit, tone/get muscles... whatever.
I loved today's chat with Coach Christa because she gets it. Looking great is cool, but she also believes there is more to fitness than just the aesthetics.
Her coaching centers around mindset and what a huge piece that is to the health equation... and life.
Checkout today's podcast and connect with Christa below!
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: gettinfitwithchrista
Instagram: @coachingwithchrista
Website: www.coachingwithchrista.com
Apply for 1 on 1 Coaching with Jaclyn: http://www.imperfecteating.com