Relief from pain? Fingers crossed.

running Feb 07, 2024

I tried acupuncture for the first time yesterday, and I woke up and worked out this morning and had 0 pain on the left side of my body.


I've been dealing with pain on my right side for 7 years.


I've been dealing with pain on my left side for 2 years.


I am trying to not get my...

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Do something small instead of nothing at all

consistency running Jan 08, 2024

Today I went to my running class and walked the entire time.


Better to show up and do something small than to stay at home and do nothing at all.



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Running on the weekends

So I have been going to my running class again, which is something I've missed so much since leaving Chicago.


The run isn't pretty. I still have a lot of issues with my knee, hip, and now my foot too, but the doctors and PTs have said to not stop, so I do what I can in class.


I wish...

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Running doesn't fix everything...

running Oct 05, 2023

Running doesn't fix everything... but it sure does make you feel better afterward.


I was having a rough day and ended up going to an evening treadmill class. My problems still exist, but I can at least sort through them more clearly now.


Go for a run.

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Running on a treadmill

running Sep 25, 2023

I love running. I love it so much which still feels weird for me to say.

It was my 20th high school reunion over the summer. I didn't go. I didn't have a reason to go. And I think it would just put me back into feeling like how I felt in high school. Low self-esteem. Shy. Nervous. Like I didn't...

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Running again!

My return to running has been so rocky and frustrating. Ups and downs and no linear path to being able to run long distances again.

I'm not sure if I will ever be able to again...

But today? Today I was able to run more than I've been able to run in a long time, and it felt so great.

I went to a...

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64: 3 Ways to CELEBRATE Your Race Without Feeling Gross From Food and 1 Thing to Let Go Of

meals movement running Apr 15, 2021


I was chatting with someone on Instagram a while ago who was telling me about a race she recently completed!



She said that she usually went out and ate a bunch of junk food after a race to celebrate completing the race, but this time, she was like, "Why? Why do I do that?"


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